What are my feelings now..

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I start to talk to her..but we didn't talk much..I don't know I still want to ask the questions..but I didn't hate her..I am not angry anymore..I just feel sad..not that I am want to stay together..I accepted the breakup story of me and her..I am actually back to myself that I used to be when I first met her..

I know its stupid of me but I just did it..I read the rules but I still breaks it..I went our anniversary lunch place..

I went to same cafe we had our anniversary for lunch. I sat back at the same place and same position facing her at her the same moment but she isnt there anymore.I ate the same dish when we are happily going thru the anniversary moment. But things is different because I am here alone by myself. I just want to feel back the moments me and her had before because it is one of our special moments. I even download the movie "The Vow" that she loves to watch at that time. It was a romantic movie that we both enjoyed it..

Things changed but my heart didn't change..

I bless her happy..that's all I could do for her..

I did not do stupid stuff anymore..because I just accepted it..my heart eventually didn't accept the lost but just learn to love and forgive..

Learn to forgive and let go of the anger

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I had a dream this morning till afternoon during my sleep. I realized I did forgive you and myself. I am angry of you and myself. I read some articles and understand that, I should learn to forgive and let go of that anger. I didn't eat well and I skip almost every meal till I lost to myself for being a successful person. I forgive you my dear, I am not angry anymore because I learn to let go of that anger. I am apologizing to myself as well for being foolish. I am sorry to my body and soul that I did not treat them well because of my selfishness. I gonna treat my body and soul better. I will be a better one. I will continue to work hard and achieve my goals. I had step down for a month and I regret doing that. I am not being a man but I am being a man now. I have an important role to play now. I must not neglect this role. I am growing up to be a better man. Thank you dear for the lessons.

*p/s : I am gonna clean all my remaining shits..


Friday, March 8, 2013

Tears are normal, anger is normal, feeling the pain is normal, wanting to talk about it incessantly with anyone who will listen is also normal, be kind to yourself and allow yourself to grieve till you get to the stage of acceptance. That is when you will wake up and go to bed “pain-free”.
Losing a loved one through a breakup emulates the same sense of loss and grief as losing someone to death. You will survive. You will heal, even if you cannot believe that now, just know that it is true. To feel pain after loss is normal. It proves that we are alive, human. But we can't stop living. We have to become stronger, while not shutting off our feelings for the hope of one day being healed and finding happiness again.
There are stages of grief and all of us may go through each one of them or not, and the time we take in each stage also varies depending on our willingness to move on and our past experiences. Some of us may breeze through some stages, because in some way, we already went through them whilst STILL in the relationship.
Generally the five stages of grief are:
1-Denial-"this can't be happening” “ I don’t believe this”
2-Anger-"why me?", blaming!
3-Bargaining- this often takes place before the loss. Attempting to make deals with the partner who is leaving, or attempting to make deals with God to stop or change the loss. Begging, wishing, praying for them to come back.
4-Depression-overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, self pity, mourning the loss of the person as well as the hopes, dreams and plans for the future. Feeling lack of control.
5-Acceptance-You have to accept the loss, not just try to bear it quietly. Realization that it takes two to make or break a relationship. Our goals turn toward personal growth. Stay with fond memories of person.

How long were you in the relationship?
How many days were you angry and felt you would be better off alone, or wonder if you could change her or him? Threaten them into doing what you wanted? How many times did you cry or were you upset and dissatisfied with how things really were, out of the entire time?
How often were you drunk when you felt really happy with each other?
How many hours in a day were you truly satisfied and happy?
How much time did you say or think “this will get better”?
How intimate were you really towards the end of the relationship?
Physically? Emotionally?
How well did you communciate? How much did you really say and how much did you hold back?
How many times did you outwardly or inwardly complain about your partner?
Be truthful.

This is a very important step. If you need to, ask your closest friends and family members to help you remember and be truthful about the numbers here.

Finally you left the relationship. You knew you deserved better than just some fraction of what you wanted. But the attachment to your ex lingers. It lingers because you never succeeded in making him or her fulfill your needs completely. It feels as if you failed. You feel that somehow not getting what you wanted was your fault. If you were only good enough your ex would have given you the love you wanted, all of the time. After all, he or she did give it to you some of the time. If you were slimmer, fitter, not so controlling or jealous, if your mother was nicer to them, if you could cook better, if you had more money to spend on them, if you were smarter, better looking, if you gave more attention, smoked or drank less, dressed better, showed more respect, were more tolerant…
Another thing that keeps you hooked into that relationship is anger. Anger arises when someone has something you want but won’t give it to you, especially when the giving of the thing would seem to be the natural or the expected thing to do. You are justified in being angry, yet anger is a way to stay connected to someone, albeit not a positive way.
Thoughts of jealousy, that he or she will be with someone else faster than you have recovered and that the next person will “benefit” from all the stuff you taught him or her and they will give freely and quickly what you waited so patiently for them to give to you! That the new person better embodied the stuff that you believed he or she wanted in a partner.
This is where you have to be very positive and have utter faith in the Universe that the two of you were brought together to go through the learning and the evolution that you can only do in a relationship. As you may already know, it is in a relationship, more than anywhere else, that we can discover who we are. I seem to remember God telling Neale Walsch in one of the Conversations with God books, that the exquisite gem relationships have to offer is this ability to tell us who we are, and who we are not.
Our relationships, then, mirror back to us what we don't like about the way we think we have to be. The cosmic mirror reminds us what we don't like about what is going on in our life, and reminds us of what we are tolerating that we don't want to tolerate any more.
Those who are wise, when they come up against themselves in this way, ask the question "What is this uncomfortable situation telling me about me?" Those who are unwise ask the question "Why doesn't so and so change?"
So look at the relationship as a course or a workshop, where you got to learn certain things about yourself and KNOW that the learning is embedded in you.
Think of a time when you studied really hard for an exam in school, you learned and you know, however it is only when you read the question that your mind will go in and extract that particular answer, so even if you cannot identify or list all your learnings, know that you have learnt and when the time comes, you will act and come from a new place of “knowing”.
The next person in your life in an intimate relationship will be attracted to the “you post the ex”!

So, if you discover through common friends or facebook that he or she is seeing or committing to another person in a way that they did not do with you, bless them. You loved this person and to love means to truly want the best for the other person and for yourself. If you have ever sold a home, or a car, because you have out-grown it, does it mean that the house or car should remain unused in a museum? Do you want to be the eternal curator?
There is another reason why it’s hard to let go of the relationship that got away. The person you were in love with truly had great qualities. With him or her you had an incredible connection. Maybe he or she loved you intensely. He or she may still love you. The only problem in the relationship was that he or she could only treat you well part of the time. The rest of the time, he or she acted hurtfully towards you and you towards them.
It is very difficult to throw away this type of connection. And it is more difficult still when you interacted with the wonderful, caring side of him or her. Having to walk away from such a relationship can be the hardest thing you will ever do. Even when you walk away it may still pull at your heart.
It is so much easier to let go of someone when it is clear he or she doesn’t care about you. It may even be easier to let go of someone who dies, because there is nothing that can be done. But to let go of someone who is well and alive and loves you is an incredible task. Yet let go you must if the partner you are clinging to is not willing to meet your needs.
So how do you do this? How do you let go of the living, breathing former partner who may love you, or whom you may love, and yet who is not good for you? How do you let go of the one who seems to have been the one?
The first step is to understand that your partner would have given you the MOON if he or she could have. Even when he or she appeared to be holding back or hurting you on purpose, he or she was always doing the best he or she could. Understand that he or she never intentionally hurt you.
To let go of your past relationship, you will first need to forgive your ex, forgive yourself, and understand that his or her behavior was not your fault. Understand that all that he or she did, the good and the bad all together, comprise the totality of this person. Sometimes he or she was wonderful and sometimes he or she was horrible. And all of the time he or she was the person you cared for.
There is no way you could only have his or her good side. Because you were connected to the whole person, you had to experience the bad side as well. His or her bad side was hurtful, and in the end the bad outweighed the good. Since the bad side was a part of the package and could not be changed, the whole package had to go. Just like a doctor may recommend that you amputate a bad finger, instead of risking losing the entire hand.
You can’t stop thinking of your ex. You have to find other things to think focus on.

No Contact

Q. What is no contact.

A. No contact is just that. It's breaking all ties to your ex. 

Q. What is no contact for?

A. No contact is meant as the quickest means for you to heal.

Q. If I implement NC will I get my ex back?

A. Probably not, but that's not what NC is meant for. Yes, absence makes the heart grow fonder, but if you're banking on NC as a way to manipulate your ex back into your life you are in for a rude awakening.

Q. What should I be doing to implement NC?

A. Absolutely cutting all ties to your ex. That means no calls, emails, text/sms, IM's - nothing. You need to vanish completely from their life and in the process, make them disappear from yours. In addition, get rid of their phone number, emails and email address, remove all the pictures/photos/memories/gifts. Anything that reminds you of the ex should be boxed up and put in a safe place out of daily view and easy reach.

Q. What should I be doing during NC?

A. First off, allow the grieving process to happen naturally. You need to grieve a loss, but don't dwell on it. Hang out with your friends, immerse yourself in a new hobby and start working out. Working out is especially useful because not only does it release endorphins which help make you feel better but you'll start looking your best which will help you attract someone new. If you need Counseling, by all means go. 

Q. I don't want to implement NC because I don't want to lose him/her.

A. Unfortunately you already have. Clinging on to them or the hope you'll get them back will only keep you down longer. Additionally, the natural reaction of any Ex when you cling on to them is for them to literally spring in the other direction. If you do have any chance of a reconciliation, your best bet is to leave them alone and forget about them. 

Q. My ex wants to be friends, is this a good idea?

A. No, not if you are still in love with them. For the most part Ex's will keep you as a friend so they have a 'back up plan' in case things fail with the new love of their life. Ask yourself if you're happy being #2 in someone's life. If so, more power to you. But if you respect yourself and have healthy self-esteem you'll never settle for being left hanging on a string. All it will do is keep you clinging to the false hope of getting back with your ex, keep you down in the dumps much longer than you should be and ruin any chance you have of meeting someone new. So hey, if you want to be miserable, go ahead and be good buddies with your ex. 

Q. I can't resist the urge to contact my ex! What should I do??

A. If you've deleted all their contact info yet still remember how to reach them, call a friend instead. Go work out. Take a bike ride. Go for a jog. Do something to occupy your mind. Get out, don't sit around the house pining for your Ex. Rest assured they are not sitting around with their new love wondering why you aren't calling them.

Q. How long should I wait to contact my ex.

A. Never be the first to contact your ex. If you need something back, ask a friend to go get it for you. If you have kids together, NC is almost impossible. The best thing to do is keep whatever contact you must have to a minimum. Don't argue with them, don't ask for a second chance, don't beg them to take you back. Just be very polite and business-like. You thank yourself later for being the bigger person. Additionally the best way to make someone see they're being an a**hole is to not be one in retaliation. Let them vent and just be quiet. Sooner, rather than later, it'll hit them that they're being absolutely childish and you'll come out smelling like a rose.

Q. I've been on NC for some time and my Ex just contacted me, what do I do?

A. The question is why are they contacting you? If it's just to get something back, box up their stuff and have a friend give it to them. No need to reply. No matter what, don't contact them back right away. Don't answer if they call. Show them you have a life and you don't need them in it. Yes, it's kind of a game but a necessary evil. I know a lot of people might disagree with me on this, but I'm a skeptic. I want to know why the ex is contacting me. If they are having doubts, they will make it clear. If you respond to them, be sure to take a day or two to do so. This will give you time to think clearly about what you want to say. When you reply, make sure that it's polite and to the point. Don't make any small talk. Don't bring up the past (big no no). Don't volunteer any information about yourself. Be the first to end the conversation. Do be happy, do smile inside (CBT) and know that you'll be fine. Trust me, if your ex wants you back nothing will stop them from getting in touch with you. And this is ideally what you want. You want them to initiate the contact because it will be their heart that has changed. 

Q. What happens if I break NC?

A. You'll end up right back to square one and have to start all over. Don't believe me? Read through some of the 'I broke NC' threads. Trust me, while you are on NC with them and they are with someone else, you don't want to know how they are doing. You don't want to hear how happy they are. As "No Foolin" says, you can't handle what they have to say.

Q. What if I see them in public?

A. Read No Foolin's thread on NC (in my signature file). Bottom line, avoid contact with them at all cost. If you can't, just be polite and smile and wave if they wave at you. If they want to talk, remember the rule. No small talk, no information. You're doing great without them, even if you aren't.

Q. What if my Ex never contacts me?

A. Then it was never meant to be. Consider yourself lucky and smart enough to realize the sooner you implemented NC and got on with your life the sooner you can meet the right person for you. That's really what this whole no contact deal is all about.

Realize that none of us are immune to heartbreak. Consider each relationship as a lesson life teaches us that we carry on to the next relationship. What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. That's what NC does. It allows you to reflect on your past mistakes and grow as a person. Each time you fail in a relationship you gain invaluable knowledge that will aid you in the next.

Men say women are like buses, there is always another one coming around the corner. It's the same for women too. There will be someone else, I guarantee you that. The sooner you cut ties with the ex, healed yourself up, improved where you can and have imbedded the lessons of your past the better off you'll be for someone else.

Above all, never tell yourself "I'm not good enough, no one loves me, blah blah blah." That's a self-defeatist attitude and kills your confidence and self-esteem. You are plenty good enough and someone will love you. You just have to be happy with who you are. Be the best you you can be. 

Every step forward you make is one step closer to meeting the person of your dreams. It will likely happen as soon as you have decided you respect yourself enough to take back your personal power. The power you give to your Ex every moment you spend thinking about them, wishing they would call or clinging on to them. Take back control of your life by vowing to move on. To accept what has happened. To let go compeltely. 

To be free to love again.

Horoscope - Cancer

Wednesday, March 6, 2013






She got a new one..

I knew this day would be coming..and I knew it would be fast..and it happens..slowly..I realize how stupid I am..yesterday was my last tears for her..because it was same day we officially broke up..yes..I feel sad and miserable but I should focus on my own stuff..she is gone with another guy which is way better then me..I could not afford her monthly money expenses..but the other guy could do it..I used to tell my friends, if a girl would go for guy that can give her money..those girls aren't worth it anymore..because she doesnt love you..

A friend told me, "You deserve better than this. Its not worth for your tears for her, is she who doesn't appreciate you."

I understand this sentences..since she went off with another guy..my heart broke into pieces..but I remember I said before..

"There is a legend that says on top of the mountain, there is a beautiful flower and its only one in the world. People said, a lot of people risked their life's to get the flower but all ended up in death. But one day, a guy that love the girl so much, he risked his life to get the flower. Then another girl ask his boy, would you climb up the mountain and get it for me. The boy replied no. Then the girl is sad with why doesn't the guy just said to impress her. Then the boy told the girl, I didn't climb up the mountain because I want to use my eyes to see you smile every single moment, using my nose to smell the nice perfume you always put, using my mouth to talk jokes to make you laugh, using my arms to hold you tight and carry you to the clinic when you are sick, using my legs to run to clinic when you sick or the moment you need me. But if someday, you love someone else and not me, and you are with him and not me anymore, then I will climb up the mountain to pluck the flower for you. The girl started to cry.."

I once told this to her..but she have already gone with another guy..I am back to alone status..I will go on with my life..I misses the days we had..when everytime she told me, I love you..and whisper in my ears..everything changes like that..from a lover to a stranger..

I had just ended part of my life that way..we have souls in our human body and I just lost one..the happiest soul is now a sad soul..waiting for time to recover..

I really hated you for being that way to me..after all the times we had..u said you trust me..you said you believe in me..but all is broken..

2012 Memories

Sunday, March 3, 2013

2012 is one of the happiest year I ever I had but may also be the saddest year of my life. In 2013, she left me with a reason, she doesnt love me anymore..

I never thought things would go this way but it has gone this way..our distance separated us a long gap..that things can't turn back into happiness..

I have to accepted the fact that she doesnt love me anymore..I have already failed part of my life but I still have others to go on..loving someone is do easy but when letting go of someone is difficult..

My heart is broke into pieces once more..I used to have this kind of feeling..lost and loneliness..I never knew it came so fast..I wasn't well prepared with it..

No matter what I do, things are not gonna change..I read articles and listen to friends advice..but I am still the same..I have put too much effort on this relationship..I lost myself in this relationship..

I knew I can find myself back but time is healing slowly..because I really m hurt this time..

I can't blame no one because everything is reality..I blame myself for being stupid for continuing being a fool..

I never seems to be happy after that..because I lost my smile too..