A New Beginning..

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A new beginning is a new start for me..I have already lost in the relationship, I have already got the answer..I know I tried to recover that relationship but it doesn't seem to work. I have failed, she doesn't want me anymore..I really do love her but everytime I will get distracted..I have actually tried my best to recover that relationship but I could not get it to be better but making things separated even more aparted..

Relationship is just LOVE..its like a snow..when its in stable condition, it looks very nice and beautiful but when it melts, it does not stop melting till it becomes water..waiting for her 3 years is like a challenge for me but I don't have courage to say that she will come back to me because I know it won't happen to me..

I didn't blame the god that I have this fate..but I blame myself for continuing being stupid..to think that things will change..I was different from last time..I could still able to do my work but after work, I slowly become weak because I know I don't dare to accept the truth..

I don't know what will happen in future but I only know that I need to grow stronger and more mature than before..我真的受伤了..