Chapter 1 : The meet up

Friday, January 18, 2013

It was just another ordinary for me, every year, during my birthday. It was just another loneliness day for me, I never had someone to be with during my birthday. I was working on that particular day. Soon, a gang of youngster came over to the place where I was working. It was birthday celebration for one of their friends. I see the joy and I felt envy, I did not have friends celebrating my birthday with me because I am different.

I was like usual doing my own stuff and suddenly someone came to me and ask me about the gadget. I was surprised and I start to explain the powerfulness of the gadget, soon I gave her my name card so that she could contact me if she wanted to buy the gadget. Then she went back to her seat, they started to sing birthday songs and I felt happiness for people because they have friends together and I do not have.

Soon, not long she contacted me and told she decided to purchase the device. I knew she was tall and I was small and plum. I knew it was a big difference.

Story,Chapter 1 : Meet up.